I hope everyone is doing well, or as well as can be expected. It has certainly been a high stress month, so I hope you will forgive me for a simple post.
Last month, I gave a talk for the Newfoundland and Labrador Historical Society. I was quite flattered to be invited to talk about aviation archaeology in the province, and appreciated the questions and comments that came after the presentation. The NL Historical Society made an audio recording of the talk, which is on their website, here. Instead of providing a transcription, you can listen to the talk and look at the following slides which accompanied it. The slides are all cited, and many images come from The Rooms, the Digital Archives Initiative, the Conception Bay Museum, and the Gander Airport Historical Society. Anything not cited is my own pictures. I also reference by own work in Canadians and War Vol. 3 (on sale at the time of this post) and Darrell Hillier’s thesis, Stars, Stripes, and Sacrifice.