So an odd thing happened in my house last night. There was a plane crash!
My husband came up with the idea to treat it as I would a historic crash so that I can demonstrate some of the methods that can be used by anyone with limited equipment to record a site. I will be working on the write up over the next few weeks, along with the write ups from my thesis. My hope is that it will help you record any site you know of (please check with your local archaeology or heritage offices for any regulations or permits that you may need) and that you will share any survey work you do to help better improve the methodology for historic aircraft crash sites. My experience is Newfoundland and Labrador terrain, but other areas will have their own set of challenges. I do also welcome guest posts from anyone who has visited, surveyed, or researched historic crashes, particularly those with a Newfoundland or Labrador connection.
The cause of the crash is just visible in the header image for this particular post…